Finance Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 2 - Senedd



Meeting date:
26 June 2013


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Gareth Price
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8409






1     Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2     Motion under the Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business: Items 3, 4, 5 and 9 



Private session



3     Financial implications of Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill - Discussion on correspondence from Deputy Minister for Social Services (10:00 - 10:10) (Pages 1 - 4)

FIN(4)-11-13 Paper 1



4     Approach to Welsh Government Draft Budget 2014-2015 (10:10 - 10:40) (Pages 5 - 21)

FIN(4)-11-13 Paper 2




5     Forward Work Programme (10:40 - 11:00) (Pages 22 - 23)

FIN(4)-11-13 Paper 3



Public session



6     Papers to note  (Pages 24 - 26)

Minutes of the meeting held on 12 June.



7     Inquiry into Enterprise Zones in Wales - Feedback on Committee visits to Anglesey and Haven Waterway Enterprise Zones (11:00 - 11:30)



8     Inquiry into Enterprise Zones in Wales - Evidence from the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport (11:30 - 12:00) (Pages 27 - 30)

FIN(4)-11-13 Paper 4

Edwina Hart AM, Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

Tracey Burke, Director, Strategy

Rob Hunter - Director, Finance and Performance




Private session



9     Consideration of evidence - Enterprise Zones (12:00 - 12:15)
